Where are all the copy editors? There was a time when copy fails were rare.
These days, the more time you spend online the more typos, sloppy edits, malapropisms and just plain bad language you notice. Every text clunker is a sour note, a disconnect from your audience. Every one a fail.
I get casual writing. What I don’t get is sloppy writing. And neither should you.
Before it goes to press give the Copy Doc one last shot to look it over.
I’ll proof and edit copy of any length, of any type, for:
- Clarity
- Misspellings
- Bad grammar
- Missing words
- Punctuation and style
- Noun-pronoun errors
- Unintended (cultural) subtext fails
It’s not about being a grammar hammer. It’s about putting you, your message and your image in the best light. You don’t not want to do that.
Contact Trident Productions for fast turnaround, super reasonable copy editing.